STAGE 0 demons are ghost-like entities that drain the emotions (or soul) of a victim without their consent, acting as parasitic beings. Once they complete this draining process, they transform into a more advanced stage of demon.
STAGE 1 demons are small, impish creatures that, while the least dangerous of all the stages, are still destructive. They destroy anything small they encounter. Do not keep them as pets, and if you know someone who does, contact the M.A.S.K. organization immediately.
STAGE 2 and STAGE 3 demons are often discussed together due to their similarities, with STAGE 3 being a stronger and more stable version of STAGE 2. Unlike STAGE 1, these demons are highly dangerous, behaving like predators or intelligent humans, often attempting to blend in with us. STAGE 3 demons are particularly hazardous as they frequently possess supernatural powers such as elemental manipulation, gravity manipulation, reality manipulation, weather manipulation, monster creation, teleportation, cloning, or shape-shifting.
STAGE 4 demons are the most dangerous of all the stages, guaranteed to possess some form of supernatural power. If you encounter a STAGE 4 demon, evacuate immediately and contact the M.A.S.K. organization.
Made by TheSear
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