The Fallen One


The Fallen One is an ancient being, recognized as the first demon ever to manifest on Earth, credited with the creation of hell itself. In the 14th century, this demonic entity descended upon Prague, causing immense devastation that still echoes across the Czech Republic. Its fall corrupted the Earth’s core, spawning demonic creatures that continue to plague humanity. The demon’s sole purpose seemed to be wanton destruction, threatening the existence of life on Earth until it was opposed by Isaac Persona, our founder, who prevented global catastrophe.


Initially standing at 40 feet tall, The Fallen One grew to an enormous 360 feet in height. It possessed a skull resembling that of a deer, glowing pure red eyes, and horns that were ablaze with fire. The demon exhibited shape-shifting abilities, frequently altering its form, instilling terror wherever it appeared.


While the full extent of its powers remains largely unknown, The Fallen One demonstrated several formidable abilities. These include shape-shifting, the creation of monstrous entities, manipulation of weather patterns, altering reality itself, and mastery over strong elemental forces, particularly fire.


The Fallen One is infamous for a singular but cataclysmic attack—the creation of hell. This event resulted in an estimated death toll exceeding 5 million lives, leaving an indelible mark on human history and establishing hell as a realm from which demonic forces continue to menace humanity to this day.

IQ LEVEL:Superior
DANGER LEVEL:World ending

M.A.S.K. The Fallen One