About Us

Welcome to Monster Pizza, where you can be eaten alive! Here, our pizzas are more than just food, they are living, breathing entities with a hunger for people like you! At Monster Pizza, you can eat or be eaten, that really depends on your choice!

Our Dark Origins

Once upon a time, in a planet far, far away from yours, a curious monster named NomNom set out on a journey across the universe. It brought him here, to Earth, where he made a new discovery: pizza. Mesmerized by its taste, NomNom called for his trusted monster friends. Determined to create something truly original, NomNom with his other monster friends came up with a plan. They would open a pizzeria like no other, where the toppings would be disturbing to some. Thus, Monster Pizza was born, with a menu featuring pizzas mostly made from human body parts and organs, offering an experience that no one would ever forget. But NomNom also created his living monster pizza friends that he also needs to feed. So, to make it more balanced, he decided to feed them humans.

Our Monstrous Menu

Each dish is made with the freshest human ingredients and with other super tasty toppings. We will make sure you remember the taste of each of our pizzas.

  • Eyeball pizza: Topped with juicy eyeballs, melted human intestines, fresh urine, tender slime pieces and some blood as a base.
  • Spider pizza: Topped with crunchy spiders, flavorful human brains, human livers, tasty human meat and some slime as a base.

Our Value

At Monster Pizza, we strongly believe in:

  • Quality: Using only the freshest and finest ingredients, cooked by the best chefs.
  • Creativity: Making interesting pizza for people with a wild taste and high demands.
  • Fun: Because we enjoy playing with your lives, we guarantee that you will definitely not get bored with us.

Order a pizza right now!

Don`t be afraid and try our amazing pizzas!

  • Phone: 1-666-666-6666
  • Mon – Sun: 0:00 – 24:00
  • youwilldie@monsterpizza.cz
  • Contact
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  • Terms of Use

About us